Integrate Kameleoon with Segment – Destination Actions

Written by Julie Trenque

Updated on 01/06/2025

4 min


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This feature is currently in open beta and is not yet visible in the Segment Destination Catalog. Please contact the Kameleoon support team to learn more about how to implement it for your web or mobile app.

With this x Kameleoon integration, every event that is triggered by will be automatically sent to Kameleoon, saving developers from having to re-implement an existing tracking plan in Kameleoon.

Behind the scenes, if the event name matches exactly the name of an existing goal in your Kameleoon account, a conversion for this goal will be associated with the visitor. If the goal does not exist, Kameleoon will create a custom goal by using the event name and associate the conversion to the visitor. The goal will appear in the Kameleoon goals page with the naming convention ‘ – eventName’. Once the goal has been created, you can use them in any of your experiments or personalizations.

Import Segment events, traits, groups and personas into Kameleoon

With this Segment x Kameleoon integration:

  • Every event that is triggered by Segment will be automatically sent to Kameleoon, saving developers from having to re-implement an existing Segment Tracking plan in Kameleoon. Page, Screen and Track events will be automatically collected as a Kameleoon custom goal and you will be able to use any of them in your experiments / personalizations or to target users doing a specific action on your website or mobile app.
  • Track events of type Audience Entered or Audience exited will be collected as a Kameleoon custom data to be used in our Segment builder to target personas of users.
  • Track events of type identify with traits will be collected as Kameleoon custom data to be used in our Segment builder to target users having specific traits.
  • Track events of type group will be collected as Kameleoon custom data to be used in our Segment builder to target a group ID.

Key benefits

  • Time saving – An existing tracking plan from will be automatically created with goals and conversion on Kameleoon side.
  • Enhanced targeting options – events can be used in our segment builder to target users having triggered a given Segment Event.
  • Enhanced filtering and breakdown in reports – Segment events can be used to filter / breakdown reporting data based on a given Segment Event.
  • Single source of truth – No implementation discrepancies between Kameleoon and, by benefiting from an existing tracking plan the organization trusts.


Keep these things in mind when sending events to Kameleoon:


Relevant limits for Kameleoon events are:

  • Maximum size of event data: 1 MB
  • Can’t create more than 50 Kameleoon goals over a 10 seconds period
  • Can’t create more than 1000 Kameleoon goals over a 60 minutes period



To configure an Event Streaming integration from to Kameleoon, you need the following information from Kameleoon:

  • REST API Key: To start sending data into Kameleoon, you first have to get your API Key. See the Generate your API Key section for more help.
  • Sitecode: To know the project that will be used with this integration, you need to provide the Sitecode of your project. See the dedicated Kameleoon documentation to know where you can find your Sitecode. 

Kameleoon setup

Make sure you have your API Key and your sitecode, so you can set up your integration from

Generate your API Key

To generate your API Key:

  1. Get your client ID and client secret. You can find them in your profile page.
  2. Use your client ID and secret with the following URL to generate your API Key:[CLIENT ID]&secret=[CLIENT SECRET]

Get your Sitecode

You can find your project’s Sitecode on the project dashboard.  See the dedicated Kameleoon documentation to know where you can find your Sitecode. setup

1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then click Destinations.

2. Find the Destinations Actions item in the left navigation, and click it.

3. Click Add destination.

4. Select the Source you want to connect to Kameleoon (Actions) and click Confirm Source.

5. On the Basic Settings side panel, complete the required fields:

  • Name: type a name to help you identify this destination in Segment
  • API Key: paste your Kameleoon API key.
  • Sitecode: paste your Kameleoon project sitecode. You can find it in the project dashboard.

6. Enable the destination by clicking on the Enable Destination toggle switch.

7. Click Save Changes.

Matching an user with a Kameleoon visitor

The integration requires that you use the same system of identifiers for both tools. While Segment uses the userId, Kameleoon uses the kameleoonVisitorCode. In order to identify which visitor triggered the forwarded Segment events, you must include the kameleoonVisitorCode inside your Segment events.

If you use Kameleoon Web Experiments on your project, Kameleoon places a cookie that contains an anonymous unique identifier, called the Kameleoon Visitor Code, randomly assigned to a visitor. This ID is used to uniquely identify a visitor. 

To retrieve the kameleoonVisitorCode among the browser cookies, you can use the following code:

// Retrieve kameleoonVisitorCode - client-side cookies
 const parseCookie = (str) =>
         .map((v) => v.split("="))
         .reduce((acc, v) => {
             acc[decodeURIComponent(v[0].trim())] = decodeURIComponent(v[1].trim());
             return acc;
         }, {});
 const {kameleoonVisitorCode} = parseCookie(document.cookie);

To add the kameleoonVisitorCode to all your Segment events, you can add the following middleware code to your website: 

analytics.addSourceMiddleware(({ payload, next, integrations }) => {
     const event = payload.obj;
     const kamVC = Kameleoon.API.Visitor.code;
     switch (event.type) {
       case "track":
 = kamVC;
       case "page": = kamVC;
       case "identify":
         payload.obj.traits.kameleoonVisitorCode = kamVC;

If your project is a mobile application, you can do the same middleware by using the associated Segment librairie:

If your project is a server-side project, you can create a middleware by using the Plugin Architecture:

You may choose to use the EventPlugin, which allows you to redefine how event functions behave. Alternatively, you can opt for the DestinationPlugin, which operates similarly to the EventPlugin but is tailored to a specific destination.

Here’s an example of a C# Plugin:

class KameleoonEnrichment : Plugin
    public override PluginType Type => PluginType.Enrichment;
    public override RawEvent Execute(RawEvent incomingEvent)
        incomingEvent.Context["kameleoonVisitorCode"] = "PUT THE VISITOR CODE HERE";
        return incomingEvent;

If your website is using Kameleoon Web Experimentation, you can add the following code to your global custom script:

const addVisitorCodeToEventsPayload = ({ payload, next, integrations }) => { = window.Kameleoon.API.Visitor.code;
     () => typeof === "function",
     () => analytics.addSourceMiddleware(addVisitorCodeToEventsPayload),

To know more about uploading events to, we recommend reading the dedicated documentation page.

Retrieving automatically created goals

As mentioned before, Kameleoon will create a custom goal by using the event name and associate the conversion to the visitor.  The name of the created goals will start with “SegmentIO” followed by the event type and event name.

Example: If the event name is “Clicked on Checkout”, the generated goal will be named “SegmentIO track – Clicked on Checkout”.

Moreover, automatically created goals will have a tag named “” attached to them. 

To find these automatically created goals, go to the goal dashboard and search for goals that have the “” tag using the tag filter on the side panel.

Renaming or deleting automatically created goals

When receiving an event from,  Kameleoon will search for the existing associated goal by looking for a matching goal name (considering the naming convention). If you decide to change the goal name, Kameleoon will not find it and create a new goal with a name matching the event name (and the previous goal conversions will still be attached to the previous goal).

Therefore, if you want to change a goal name, we recommend also changing the event name to match the new goal name. 

 We also recommend changing the goal name if you decide to renaming an event, to match the new event name.

 If you decide to delete the goal, Kameleoon will not find it and create a new goal with a name matching the event name, and because it’s a new goal, all the goal conversions will be lost.

Automatic goal conversion

Now that a goal has been generated, Kameleoon will start associating the conversions to it. As mentioned before,  if the event name matches exactly the name of an existing goal in your Kameleoon account, a conversion for this goal will be associated with the visitor.

In the Goals dashboard, if you click on an goal Edit button, you can see the following pop-up:

Please, don’t pay attention to the displayed message: “To trigger a custom goal conversion, you can either use our JavaScript Activation API or the SDK corresponding to your back-end server language (example for NodeJS)“.

Since the events received by Kameleoon will automatically trigger a goal conversion, you don’t need to implement any front-end or back-end code to trigger a goal. The goal will be automatically converted if the associated event is triggered and forwarded to Kameleoon.

Benefiting from Segment Destination Actions features

The Destination Actions framework improves on classic destinations by enabling you to see and control how Segment sends the event data it receives from your sources, to actions-based destinations. Each Action in a destination lists the event data it requires, and the event data that is optional.

Benefits of Destination Actions

  • Easier setup: Users see fewer initial settings which can decrease the time spent configuring the destination.
  • Increased transparency: Users can see the exact data that is sent to the destination, and when Segment sends it. For example, users can see exactly when Segment sends kameleoonVisitorCode to Kameleoon.
  • Improved customization: Users can determine how the events their sources trigger and map to actions supported by the destination. For example, define the exact events that are considered goal conversions by Kameleoon.


  • Filters: Destination filters let you send or block events, properties, and user traits from reaching a destination. Destination filters applied at the destination instance level of a given source. Enabled filters are applied on every matching event in transit to this destination. For details on advanced functionality, see the Destination Filters API documentation.
  • Mappings: Configure the data mapping from your source to the destination (Kameleoon).
  • Event tester: To make sure your events are delivered to this destination, generate an event payload and send a test event. Visit Documentation
  • Alerts: Subscribe to alerts when this destination’s delivery rate dips below a certain threshold within a 24 hour period.
  • Event delivery: The Event Delivery tool helps you understand if data is reaching your destinations, and also helps you to see if Segment encountered any issues delivering your source data. See the dedicated documentation
  • Functions: Use insert functions to perform custom transformations on event payloads before sending them to a connected destination. To use an existing insert function, connect one to this destination from the catalog.

Migration from the classic Kameleoon destination

To migrate from the classic Kameleoon destination, you can follow these 3 steps:

1. Visitor Identification:

  1. Include the kameleoonVisitorCode in your Segment events for accurate visitor tracking.

2. Mapping, Filters, and Testing:

  1. Define Mapping and Filters in the destination configuration page.
  2. Test events to ensure accurate goal creation and conversion tracking.

3. Activation:

  1. Activate the Kameleoon (Actions) destination when everything is ready and tested.
  2. Deactivate the classic Kameleoon destination.

Personas, traits and group

Kameleoon allows you to target users based on their belonging to a Segment persona, a group or who have specific traits of properties.

In order to be able to use personas, traits and group IDs in our Segment builder, you will need to set up a custom data in your Kameleoon account for the project of your choice.


You can choose the name of your choice (eg. SegmentIO personas) and the custom data must be of type List of string.

Please follow the guidelines below for Web Experimentation only

You can use the code below in the custom data acquisition method:

window.k_segmentIO = window.k_segmentIO || {};
     window.k_segmentIO.runtime = true;
// Depending on your setup, you'll need to determine the appropriate logic for obtaining the user ID.   

// If you've been using a track event call to send our visitor code, use the following line:  
const user_id = Kameleoon.API.Visitor.code;  

// Alternatively, if you use our Visitor Code as the Segment user ID or need to retrieve the user ID from Segment's analytics object, use the following line:  
const user_id = ||; 

Kameleoon.API.Data.retrieveDataFromRemoteSource(`COHORTS_${user_id}`, cohorts => {     window.k_segmentIO.cohorts = cohorts && cohorts !== '{}' ? Object.keys(cohorts).filter(key => cohorts[key]) : []; });
 if(!window.k_segmentIO.cohorts || !window.k_segmentIO.cohorts.length) return;
 return {"value": window.k_segmentIO.cohorts, "overwrite": true};

To use Segment personas in feature flags, you can consult the guidelines outlined in the documentation for each respective SDK. For instance, if you’re using the GO SDK, you can refer to its documentation for detailed instructions.

The GO SDK, like our other SDKs, employs the GetRemoteData method, which is accessible across all our SDKs. This method enables you to fetch data stored by Segment on our servers and make it accessible within your backend code.

The “key” value to use as the first parameter should follow this format: “COHORTS_{user_id}”.

Fetch Segment Persona names in Kameleoon

Click on Next and activate the Save the values for the targeting condition associated with the custom data point option. Add the JS code below and replace XXXXXXXXX by the Kameleoon Sitecode. To find it, please follow this documentation.

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", '', false);
var SegmentIOPersonas = [];
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { 
   if(this.readyState === 4) {
     var segmentIOcohorts = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
	  if (segmentIOcohorts && segmentIOcohorts.cohorts) {
		  segmentIOcohorts.cohorts.forEach(persona => SegmentIOPersonas.push({value: persona, label: persona}) );

return SegmentIOPersonas;

Click on Validate to create the Custom Data.

That’s it! You will now be able to use Segment Personas in our Segment Builder. The list of available personas will be available when you choose the operator is among the values.


To use traits properties in our segment builder to target your campaigns, you will need to create one custom data per trait type. Let’s say for instance that you want to target users based on the plan they have subscribed on your website and that you have 3 different plans : freemium, scale and enterprise. You will need to set up a custom data “Subscribed Plan” and the custom data must be of type “string”.

Please follow the guidelines below for Web Experimentation only.

You can use the code below in the custom data acquisition method:

window.k_segmentIO = window.k_segmentIO || {};
     window.k_segmentIO.runtime = true;
// Depending on your setup, you'll need to determine the appropriate logic for obtaining the user ID.   

// If you've been using a track event call to send our visitor code, use the following line:  
const user_id = Kameleoon.API.Visitor.code;  

// Alternatively, if you use our Visitor Code as the Segment user ID or need to retrieve the user ID from Segment's analytics object, use the following line:  
const user_id = ||; 
  Kameleoon.API.Data.retrieveDataFromRemoteSource(`IDENTIFY_${user_id}`, segment_identify_properties => {
         if(segment_identify_properties && segment_identify_properties.traits && segment_identify_properties.traits.plan){
             window.k_segmentIO.plan = segment_identify_properties.traits.plan;
 if(!window.k_segmentIO.plan) return;
 return {"value": window.k_segmentIO.plan, "overwrite": true};

To use traits in server-side experiments or feature flags, you can consult the guidelines outlined in the documentation for each respective SDK. For instance, if you’re using the GO SDK, you can refer to its documentation for detailed instructions.

The GO SDK, like our other SDKs, employs the GetRemoteData method, which is accessible across all our SDKs. This method enables you to fetch data stored by Segment on our servers and make it accessible within your backend code.

The “key” value to use as the first parameter should follow this format: “IDENTIFY_{user_id}”.

You can follow the same guidelines for every trait property you would like to use in the segment builder of Kameleoon.

Group IDs

To use group IDs in our segment builder to target your campaigns, you will need to need to set up a custom data “Group ID” and the custom data must be of type string.

Please follow the guidelines below for Web Experimentation only

You can use the code below in the custom data acquisition method:

window.k_segmentIO = window.k_segmentIO || {};
     window.k_segmentIO.runtime = true;
// Depending on your setup, you'll need to determine the appropriate logic for obtaining the user ID.   

// If you've been using a track event call to send our visitor code, use the following line:  
const user_id = Kameleoon.API.Visitor.code;  

// Alternatively, if you use our Visitor Code as the Segment user ID or need to retrieve the user ID from Segment's analytics object, use the following line:  
const user_id = ||; 
   Kameleoon.API.Data.retrieveDataFromRemoteSource(`IDENTIFY_${user_id}`, segment_identify_properties => {
         if(segment_identify_properties && segment_identify_properties.groupId){
             window.k_segmentIO.groupId = segment_identify_properties.groupId;
 if(!window.k_segmentIO.groupId) return;
 return {"value": window.k_segmentIO.groupId, "overwrite": true};

To use group IDs in feature flags, you can consult the guidelines outlined in the documentation for each respective SDK. For instance, if you’re using the GO SDK, you can refer to its documentation for detailed instructions.

The GO SDK, like our other SDKs, employs the GetRemoteData method, which is accessible across all our SDKs. This method enables you to fetch data stored by Segment on our servers and make it accessible within your backend code.

The “key” value to use as the first parameter should follow this format: “IDENTIFY_{user_id}”.

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