Use Amazon Redshift as a source: audience targeting

Written by Julie Trenque

Updated on 09/05/2024

2 min


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Data Warehouses


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Data warehouse integrations are available as a premium add-on for our Web Experimentation and Feature Experimentation module. For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Once you have enabled the Amazon Redshift integration for your project, you can activate Use Amazon Redshift as a source to access and use data stored in Amazon Redshift within your Kameleoon campaigns. 

Activating Use Amazon Redshift as a source allows you to harness the power of Google Amazon Redshift’s data by configuring Data Ingestion Tasks. These tasks regularly retrieve specific data from Amazon Redshift, based on your defined SQL queries and frequencies. The data collected through these tasks can then be used as targeting conditions within your Kameleoon campaigns, enabling highly personalized and data-driven user experiences.

  1. Activate the Feature: In the selected project’s configuration, check the checkbox labeled Use Amazon Redshift as a source to enable the feature.
  1. Create Data Ingestion Tasks: With the feature activated, you can now initiate the creation of Data Ingestion Tasks. These tasks regularly retrieve specific data from Amazon Redshift, based on your defined SQL queries and frequencies. To create a new Data Ingestion Task, click on Add new task.
  1. Validate: After providing the required information for the Data Ingestion Task, click Confirm to create the task. You can create additional tasks by repeating the steps of naming the task, defining the SQL query, and setting the frequency. Once you’ve configured your tasks, click Validate to save and apply your configuration settings.
  2. Create a custom data: Now that you created your Data Ingestion Task, our servers will start collecting the data based on the frequency you configured by executing the query on your Amazon Redshift instance. To start using the collected data, you will need to create a custom data.
  3. Create a segment: The last step in order to target users based on the collected data is to create a segment based on the custom data you created. 

Data Ingestion Tasks

Data Ingestion Tasks are essential components of the Amazon Redshift Integration within Kameleoon. These tasks allow you to regularly retrieve specific data from Amazon Redshift, based on predefined SQL queries and frequencies. The data collected through Data Ingestion Tasks can then be utilized as targeting conditions within your Kameleoon campaigns, enabling highly personalized and data-driven user experiences.

Creating a Data Ingestion Task

To create a Data Ingestion Task:

  1. Click on Add new task
  1. Complete the form:
    1. Name (Required): Give your task a unique and descriptive name to identify its purpose.
    2. Redshift cluster type (Required): Specify if your Redshift cluster is provisioned or serverless. If you choose “provisioned” you will be asked to provide your cluster identifier. If you choose “serverless” you will be asked to provide the namespace and workgroup of your cluster.
    3. Redshift AWS region (Required): Region code of where your source Redshift cluster resides. This can be found in your AWS console. Example: us-west-2.
    4. Database (Required): Name of the Redshift database containing the data you are ingesting
    5. Frequency (Required): Specify how often you want the task to run and retrieve data from BigQuery (e.g., per day).
    6. Query (Required): Define the SQL query that specifies the data you want to retrieve from Amazon Redshift. Make sure the query accurately captures the information you need. The query must include at least one column that represents the user ID in your Amazon Redshift table. You can add additional columns if you want to target users by attributes. The specific column names are not critical, but the order must be maintained for the integration to function correctly.
  1. Once you’ve provided all the required information, click Confirm to create the Data Ingestion Task.

Updating a Data Ingestion Task

To update a Data Ingestion Task:

  1. Select the Task: Begin by selecting the specific Data Ingestion Task you want to edit from the dropdown menu.
  1. Edit Task Details: Modify the fields you want to update, such as the task’s name, frequency, Amazon Redshift project ID, region, or query.
  2. Confirm Changes: After making the necessary updates, click “Confirm” to save the changes to the Data Ingestion Task.

Deleting a Data Ingestion Task

To delete a Data Ingestion Task:

  1. Select the Task: Choose the Data Ingestion Task you wish to delete from the dropdown menu.
  1. Initiate Deletion: Click on the delete option located at the top right corner of the Edit form.
  1. Confirm Deletion: A confirmation prompt will appear. Click Confirm to delete the selected Data Ingestion Task.

Once you have created your Data Ingestion Task, the Kameleoon platform has started polling your warehouse, the data will be available right away for targeting your users in Kameleoon campaigns. You can use the polled data using our Activation API for web experiments, and using our SDKs for feature experimentation.  Following are two standard use case examples that will show you how to do so.

Targeting your imported audiences

See how to target your warehouse audiences

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