Integrate Kameleoon with 6sense

Written by Julie Trenque

Updated on 06/05/2023

1 min


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6sense is an AI-driven prospect analysis and lead scoring product that gathers data on your prospective buyers and predicts their behavior across various stages of the customer journey. Integrating Kameleoon with 6sense enables you to deliver personalized experiences based on any data provided by 6sense: company, user scoring or any segment.

Learn more about 6sense

Key benefits

  • Quick and easy integration with 6sense.
  • Ability to use any 6sense data including predictive scores for your products in Kameleoon in order to target your visitors.
  • Filter / breakdown any report by using 6sense data.

Use 6sense data attributes as targeting condition in a Kameleoon segment

To use any 6sense attribute in a campaign (experiment or personalization) as a targeting condition, you can follow these simple steps.

Fetching and using 6Sense segment data in Kameleoon

Create a custom data and name it “6Sense Segment ID”.

Choose type ListOf, scope Visit and acquisition method Custom JavaScript code.

Paste this code:

const sixSenseData = window.localStorage.getItem('_6senseCompanyDetails');
if(!sixSenseData) return;
return {value: JSON.parse(sixSenseData).segments.ids, overwrite: true};

If you prefer to use segment names in Kameleoon Segment builder to target your visitors with a Kameleoon campaign, you can use this code instead:

const sixSenseData = window.localStorage.getItem('_6senseCompanyDetails');
if(!sixSenseData) return;
return {value: JSON.parse(sixSenseData).segments.ids, overwrite: true};

After the custom data for the 6Sense segments has been set up, you can build segments within the Kameleoon segment builder, by choosing the custom data and choosing the values you want to target. For instance if you want to target visitors that belong to segment IDs 144075 and 206863, drag and drop the custom data “6Sense Segment ID” and use the operator matches the regular expression with the value 144075|206863.

Fetching and using 6Sense company attributes in Kameleoon

Create a custom data for each attribute you would like to use in Kameleoon. For instance, let’s say you want to target visitors by industry, you can then create a custom data named “6Sense Company Industry”.

Choose type Single, scope Visit and acquisition method Custom JavaScript code.

Paste this code:

const sixSenseData = window.localStorage.getItem('_6senseCompanyDetails');
if(!sixSenseData) return;
return {value: JSON.parse(sixSenseData).company.industry, overwrite: true};

After the custom data for the 6Sense company industry has been set up, you can build segments within the Kameleoon segment builder, by choosing the custom data and choosing the name of the industry you want to target. For instance if you want to target visitors that belong to the industry Software and Technology, drag and drop the custom data “6Sense Company Industry” and use the operator contains with the value Software and Technology. Please note that values are case sensitive.

You can create as many custom data as you want depending on your use cases. To know more about all available data, please get in touch with the 6sense support team.

Fetching and using 6Sense confidence attribute in Kameleoon

The value of this attribute indicates how confident 6sense is that the data is accurate for the current visitor, and may be either Low, Moderate, High or Very High.

Create a custom data names “6Sense confidence”.

Choose type Single, scope Visit and acquisition method Custom JavaScript code.

Paste this code:

const sixSenseData = window.localStorage.getItem('_6senseCompanyDetails');
if(!sixSenseData) return;
return {value: JSON.parse(sixSenseData).confidence, overwrite: true};

After the custom data for the 6Sense confidence has been set up, you can build segments within the Kameleoon segment builder, by choosing the custom data and choosing the confidence level you want to target. For instance if you want to target visitors with a 6sense confidence Very High, drag and drop the custom data “6Sense confidence” and use the operator equals to with the value Very High. Please note that values are case sensitive.

Fetching and using 6Sense scores attribute in Kameleoon for predictive targeting around buying stages and ICP fit

6sense’s Intent Score is a 1-100 measure of an account’s readiness to buy. The intent score maps directly with the 6sense platform’s pre-defined buying stages for each of your product:

  • Target Stage — For scores less than 20
  • Awareness Stage — For scores between 20 and 49
  • Consideration Stage — For scores between 50 and 69
  • Decision Stage — For scores between 70 and 84
  • Purchase Stage — For scores 85 and greater

Create a custom data for each product you would like to use a score with in Kameleoon. For instance, let’s say you have a product named ‘myProduct’, you can then create a custom data named “6Sense myProduct Score”

Choose type Single, scope Visit and acquisition method Custom JavaScript code.

Paste this code:

const sixSenseData = window.localStorage.getItem('_6senseCompanyDetails');
if(!sixSenseData) return;
const scores = JSON.parse(sixsensedata).scores;
if(!scores) return;
  if(item.product == "myProduct"){ // Replace here by the name of your product
  	return {value: item.buying_stage, overwrite: true};

The value of this custom data may be either Target, Awareness, Consideration, Decision or Purchase.

After the custom data for the 6Sense score has been set up, you can build segments within the Kameleoon segment builder, by choosing the custom data and choosing the score level you want to target. For instance if you want to target visitors with a 6sense score at the Decision stage, drag and drop the custom data “6Sense myProduct Score” and use the operator equals to with the value Decision. Please note that values are case sensitive.

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