Written by Julie Trenque

Updated on Wednesday 20 September 2023


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    — 2021

    October 2021

    Alias for site URL

    Addition of an alias capability for Kameleoon Sites. It will allow customers to name sites / environments and see this alias in other parts of the products (instead of the site URL).

    Custom analytics integration tool

    Kameleoon comes with many built-in integrations. However, if you happen to use a platform for which we don’t yet provide an official analytics bridge, it’s very easy to build your own custom analytics integration by using our Custom Analytics Bridge feature and use it with any campaign (experiment or personalization) if you want to analyse your results in the analytics platform of your choice.

    Addition of built-in tech integrations

    Git, Zapier, Shopify, VS Code

    September 2021

    Enhanced new integration with Segment

    Major enhancement to the Kameleoon-Segment integration: the addition of Destinations. Now, you can send any event data organized in Segment to Kameleoon to quickly get started, without having to re-implement all your KPIs in Kameleoon.

    New integration with Freespee

    Freespee offers a dedicated integration with Kameleoon so phone calls KPIs can be sent to Kameleoon to help our customers better understand the results of their tests.

    New Feature Flag page + Dashboard

    Redesign of the Feature Flag creation / edit page. Addition of the Scheduling Feature.

    July 2021

    New Python SDK

    Our SDK gives you the possibility of running experiments and activating feature flags on your back-end Python server. Integrating our SDK into your web-application is easy, and its footprint (in terms of memory and network usage) is low.

    New Go SDK

    A server-side SDK for GO is now generally available for server-side experimentation and Feature Flags.

    June 2021

    Shopify Plus integration

    The Kameleoon/Shopify integration allows Kameleoon account holders with stores on Shopify Plus to easily connect the two solutions and instantly deliver value.

    Zapier integration

    Zapier lets you connect Kameleoon to 2,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

    May 2021

    New Flutter SDK for Apps

    Our Flutter SDK for mobile Apps is now generally available for experimentation and Feature Flags! It can be used on Android and iOS platforms.

    April 2021

    Ruby SDK

    A server-side SDK for Ruby is now generally available for server-side experimentation and Feature Flags.

    JS SDK

    A client-side JS / TypeScript SDK that works for all main JS frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.JS…). This SDK gives you the possibility of running experiments and activating feature flags on your front-end JavaScript application.

    March 2021

    New Kameleoon Chrome Extension

    The newest version of our Chrome extension (v3.0) helps developers further with their daily development workflow. Get a live list of all campaigns and quickly access any technical details, troubleshoot performance issues with a brand new Performance analysis center, and more, all without leaving your favorite browser.

    Server-side SDK updates

    Updates of our server-side SDKs (Java, C#, PHP and NodeJS) and mobile Apps SDKs (Android and iOS).

    > Ability to retrieve JSON data associated with a variation of an experiment

    > Custom data targeting for experiments

    > Full support to feature flagging and rollout with a dedicated interface to empower tech teams to safely deliver and control updates through feature flags. We bring with it remote variables control (JSON, string, boolean, number) and custom data targeting capabilities to release feature flags to group of users

    February 2021

    New GIT and VS Studio extensions

    Developers can now write all their code (experiment, global script, widgets..) in the free Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor and automatically synchronize it to our platform with a click thanks to our native GIT integration. Your code can also be instantly sent from VS Studio and evaluated on your website thanks to our Chrome extension. It’s no longer even needed to log in to our platform to interact and prepare your campaigns..!

    January 2021

    Execute Global Script before DOM ready

    Any JavaScript code entered in the Global Custom Script insert is now executed before all experiments and personalizations.

    This new update gives you as much control as possible over the timing of your custom code execution. You can modify the timing by including code that specifies when a piece of code should run. You will now be able to run more advanced experiments that depend on reusable variables, targeting conditions, and API calls with more ease and efficiency than before.Here are some common use cases you can run:

    > Tracking custom events such as the method of payment used when a visitor makes an order on your website

    > Reusing variables across multiple experiments

    > Running custom code to manage advanced single-page apps settings

    > Managing custom analytics integrations to send experiments data

    > Calling an API to retrieve segments from an external solution you would like to use in your personalizations

    — 2020

    December 2020

    Custom data values

    Integrate Kameleoon seamlessly with your third-party data tools by using our new “Custom data values” feature. You can now assign a name (called key) to each of your values from the advanced settings of the custom data creation pop-in and use them when you create a segment.

    September 2020

    A new interface for server-side tests

    You can now fully create and edit your server-side and hybrid tests in the code editor. This makes the whole process a lot smoother and saves time.

    Mixpanel integration

    By integrating Mixpanel, you can observe how your Kameleoon experiences impact the way users interact with your sites or applications.

    A/B dashboard simplified view

    Without the performance indicators, the dashboard loads much faster and you save precious time.
    Find your indicators directly on your results pages and retain only the essential information.

    July 2020

    “Tracking and goals” pop-in redesign

    Your Kameleoon goals and your tools are now separated into two distinct tabs, so you can select them in no time all.

    “Search & replace” tool improvement

    Need to replace some text in one of your variations? You can now make more detailed and precise changes. The tool now makes a distinction between upper and lower case, and you can choose to replace only the entire word.

    Open an experiment in the Code editor

    The A/B editor automatically updates itself every time you add a new goal or a new segment from within the back-office. You don’t need to reload the editor to see them displayed.

    Manual saving on the Code editor

    You can take time to make your changes and they will only be applied once you have clicked on the “Update” button.

    New integration: Segment.io

    Segment i.o is now compatible with Kameleoon.

    New custom data pop-in

    The “New custom data” pop-in is now expandable for more ease and readability. You can also adapt the size of your code-side window for greater convenience while developing.

    Geolocation condition

    For clients with the A/B testing package, a new targeting condition is available in your segment builder. Geolocation lets you include or exclude visitors from your traffic according to their country, region or city.

    “Conversion” filter and detailed breakdown

    Increase the precision of your results analysis with the “Conversion” filter and breakdown that was previously only available to clients with the personalization package. You can now analyze the data related to the conversion of a goal.

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