Create a feature flag

Written by Julie Trenque

Updated on 06/05/2023

3 min


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This guide will help you create a new feature flag.

What is feature management and feature experimentation?

Access the Feature flag creation page

On the side menu of the App, click on Feature flags to access the dedicated dashboard.

Then click on the New feature flag button.

Name your feature flag and choose the project on which you would like to activate this feature flag.

A feature key is automatically generated based on your feature flag name. You can update it based on your preferences.

Note: The feature key is the unique ID that enables you to identify the feature flag in your source code. Make sure to update it here before editing it in your source code.

You can associate a tag (which you can use to filter the dashboard list) and/or a description.

By default, your flag is OFF. You will be able to activate it once configured.

Structure of the Rollout Planner

The Rollout planner consists of several blocks.

  1. A header in the top left indicating the name of the flag, the associated sitecode (you can copy and paste it directly from here) and the feature key. Click the name to edit the flag’s details.
  2. A Setup menu to create and manage your feature variables and feature variations[url].
  1. A Rollout Planner to specific to each of your environments. Changes made to a feature flag are specific to the environment you have selected in this section. Kameleoon lets you easily map your actual production and staging/QA environments to the app. 
  1. This toggle controls your feature flag and turns it on or off.
  2. This is where your rollout rules are added for releases and experiments

A footer to view the date of the last backup, save the flag or delete it (via the menu).

Technical note: Check that the flag has been created and that you can retrieve it from your source code by using our SDK (by calling the isFeatureActive() or getFeatureVariationKey() method). Then go back to the Kameleoon interface of your feature flag and continue the configuration steps.

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