
In this article: – The different types of experiments offered by Kameleoon – How to select the one that meets your needs Kameleoon offers several types of experiments. Depending on your needs, learn how to select the one that suits you best. Gaphic A/B experiment A Graphic A/B experiment is a simple experiment and its […]

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5 min


In this article: – An overview of the Graphic editor’s interface and main features – Step-by-step instructions for creating variations using the editor, including adding and editing elements such as text, images, and buttons – Tips for optimizing your variations for maximum impact – Best practices for testing and validating your variations before launching your […]

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In this article: – An overview of the Code editor’s interface and main features – Step-by-step instructions for creating variations using the Code editor, including working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code – Tips for optimizing your variations for maximum impact, such as using custom code to create unique design elements – Best practices for […]

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In this article: – How to define the goals and metrics for your experiment – How to create variations of your website pages using Kameleoon’s Graphic editor or Code editor – How to define the experiment settings, such as targeting options and traffic distribution – How to launch and monitor your experiment – How to […]

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In this article: – The definition of a MVT – How to create a MVT using Kameleoon’s Graphic editor – How to define the goals and metrics for your MVT – How to configure the MVT settings, such as targeting options and traffic allocation – How to launch and monitor your MVT – How to […]

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In this article: – How to simulate a campaign in Kameleoon to test and preview changes to your website before launching them – Best practices for using the simulation feature to streamline your website testing and optimization process The simulation mode enables you to check whether: Your variations or personalizations are displayed correctly; The targeting […]

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5 min


In this article: – An overview of the experiment management dashboard and its features – How to find and act on an experiment – How to archive and delete an experiment – Best practices for organizing and optimizing your experiment management process in Kameleoon Access the Experiments Dashboard To access the Experiments Dashboard from the […]

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In this article: – An explanation of what URL redirection split testing is and why it’s useful – A step-by-step guide to setting up URL redirection split tests with Kameleoon – Examples of different use cases for URL redirection split testing – How to QA this type of experiment Unlike a classical A/B experiment, an […]

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In this article: – How to create and run a simple experiment straight from your Shopify Store to increase your e-commerce transaction rate Let’s say you want to test different variations of your product page and measure how visitors interact with it regarding several key KPIs such as the number of add to cart, access […]

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What is a single-page app (SPA)? Definition A single-page application is a website usually developed with a modern JavaScript client-side framework (React, Next.js, Vue.js…) and usually doing server-side rendering (SSR), which makes client-side implementations more difficult. The purpose is to improve the navigation experience of the visitor, and avoid loading a new page after every […]

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4 min


Even though the graphic editor is initially launched on a specific page of your website, it offers you the powerful capability to conduct multi-pages experiments. This means that within a single experiment, you can make changes that span across multiple pages, whether they have different URLs or share the same URL. Creating these multi-page variations […]

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As a user of Kameleoon, you have access to a feature that allows you to track changes on a webpage. This is especially useful if you’re working in a large team with multiple modifications being made. To use this feature, go to the Display tab in the General Setup menu of the Graphic Editor. There, […]

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1 min


There are three predefined tags that you can use with your experiments to change the default behavior of Kameleoon: TECHNICAL: When you add a “TECHNICAL” tag to an experiment, Kameleoon will display the variation of the experiment, but no data will be collected or sent to an analytics platform until consent has been given. This […]

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In this article: – How to choose a type of personalization – How to define your personalization goal(s) and target audience – How to set up display rules to ensure the right content is displayed to the right users – How to launch and monitor your personalization – How to measure the success of the […]

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In this article: – An overview of the personalization management dashboard and its features – How to find and act on a personalization – How to archive and delete a personalization – Best practices for organizing and optimizing your personalization management process in Kameleoon Access the Personalizations Dashboard To access the Personalizations Dashboard from the […]

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5 min


In this article: – How to simulate a campaign in Kameleoon to test and preview changes to your website before launching them – Best practices for using the simulation feature to streamline your website testing and optimization process The simulation mode enables you to check whether: Your variations or personalizations are displayed correctly; The targeting […]

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