The Results page is a pivotal feature that gives you a clear view of your experiments’ performance. It’s a control center for examining data and improving strategies. With its flexible data engine, the Results page lets you customize how you display and analyze your experiment results. The Results page allows you to customize your data […]

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The Results page offers tools and configuration options to customize how Kameleoon displays your experiment data. You can control date ranges and apply filters to refine results, facilitating trend identification and actionable conclusions based on relevant data. Date controls The Overview, Metrics, and Compare sections feature a toolbar to adjust the time range for data […]

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4 min


The Overview menu provides a high-level summary of your experiment. It displays the recommended variation based on its performance on your goals and key statistics relevant to your experiment. Visual charts provide deeper insights and allow for comparisons between variations. Winning variation At the top of the page, you’ll find your experiment’s main results. The […]

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2 min


The Metrics menu lets you assess variations’ performance in your experiment. Here, you can view critical metrics for each variation, either per goal or variation, to understand how each variation performs relative to your objectives. Viewing metrics per goal or variation A critical component of the Results page is the ability to track and analyze […]

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2 min


The Compare menu lets you analyze and compare variations’ performance against each other for specific goals. Tables and graphs visually contrast variations, allowing for more informed analysis and optimization. You can easily compare the performance of your variations. To change the variations you’re comparing, click one of the dropdown menus and select the desired variations. […]

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1 min


The Activity menu provides a detailed timeline of all actions you’ve performed on your experiment, offering a clear record of its evolution. This menu logs any edits or updates made and provides details on what changes were implemented and when they occurred. Events in the Activity menu are organized chronologically, with the most recent events […]

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2 min


You have a doubt about the meaning of a data? You are not yet a professional regarding rates? You will become one soon! On this page you will find  all the words necessary to understand and analyze the results of your campaigns. Attribution window The attribution window defines the period of time during which a […]

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To access the results page of a campaign, log in to your Kameleoon App. In the sidebar, click on “Activate” and go to your Experiments or Personalizations dahsboard. A search bar allows you to easily find a campaign by entering his name. Filters are also available on the right of the dashboard so you can easily […]

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1 min


A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features Several options are there to adapt the display of results to your needs. Filter your results, limit them to a particular date range, and choose the type of view of visits and conversions. Filters Use filters to limit the display of results to visitors meeting specific […]

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5 min


A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features At the top of the results page, on the right of the web experiment’s main information, there is the page’s general actions menu. The options in the Actions menu allow you to act on the entire results page : Refresh data; Reset data; Stop collection […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features At the top of the results page is the main results of your experiment. You will be able to see at a glance which variant of your experiment is considered a winner. The information displayed here depends on the results and progress of your experiment. You […]

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This article is about Personalization. A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The main results of your personalization are displayed on the top of the results page. You will be able to see at a glance audience, conversion rate on the main goal and if applicable, the revenue. Audience Audience indicates the […]

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1 min


AI Opportunity Detection is an add-on available in two versions: – a premium version that provides enhanced capabilities, including unlimited opportunities and an access to Audiences Analysis. – a freemium version accessible to all customers. The freemium version includes a credit of 3 opportunities, allowing customers to unlock valuable insights for the experiments of their […]

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1 min


A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The Cross-Campaign Analysis feature allows to filter and break down test results based on exposure to other experiments. You will be able to automatically detect interaction effects and safely interpret the results of overlapping campaigns.  On your results page, use the Campaign filter/breakdown. It will filter/breakdown your results according […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The comparative view allows you to compare, on a spider web graph, the goal improvement rates set on the experiment. This view is only available if at least two goals are configured on your experiment. To display the comparative view, click the “Comparative view” tab […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The comparative view allows you to compare, on a spider web graph, the improvement rates of the goals set on the personalization. The comparative view is only available if at least two goals are configured on your personalization. To display the comparative view, click the Comparative […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The graph allows you to visualize the evolution of the different data of the results page over time. The x-axis displays the time scale, the y-axis the value of the data. To view the comparative view, click the Graphs tab at the top of the […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The graph allows you to visualize data evolution over time. The X-axis displays the time scale, the y-axis the value of the data. To get a comparative view, open the Graphs tab at the top of the graph area. View per goal and view per […]

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3 min


A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The tables of results allows you to consult the details of your results, per variation or per goal. Breakdown and filter tools as well as customized display are there to help you read the results of your experiment. Learn how to use them and you’ll become […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The results chart allows you to view the details of your results, by audience type or goal. Breakdown tools, filters and customized display are there to help you read the results of your personalization. Learn how to use them and you’ll become an expert! The […]

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4 min


A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features The side panel of the results page allows you to view the settings of the campaign for which you are viewing the results and making changes to it. You will find this panel on the right side of the page. At any time, an arrow allows […]

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1 min


Unlike with A/B testing, there is no “variations” for personalization, but “audience types”. We distinguish between: targeted visitors, who correspond to criteria defined in the targeting; exposed visitors, who correspond to the criteria defined in the targeting and to the exposure parameters; non-targeted visitors, who do not correspond to the criteria. Targeted visitors are not all […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features What does the Bayesian method promise you? The Bayesian approach is a different model of thought where instead of considering the parameters we wish to estimate as unknown constants, we model each parameters as a random variable. It takes its name from the Bayes’ rule […]

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2 min


A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features What is statistical significance ? Hypothesis testing One cannot speak about statistical significance without speaking of hypothesis testing. When you launch an experiment within Kameleoon’s platform you want to know if the variation you are proofing is actually improving a certain metric compared to the […]

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Kameleoon Visitor Data Model The influence of your campaigns can go beyond the limited framework of a single targeted session (i.e. an individual visit initiated by a user). Thanks to our visitor data model, it is possible to follow this influence over several successive sessions. When a variation is displayed to a user, all conversions […]

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What is Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM)? Sample Ratio Mismatch means that there is a significant difference between the expected deviations of the experiment variations and the observed ones. You are faced with SRM when one variant in your test receives notably more, or less, traffic than expected. This causes traffic to your variation(s) to be […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features Controlled-experiment Using Pre-Experiment Data (CUPED) leverages data on your existing visitors to accelerate time to reliable experimentation and personalization campaign results. Key benefits CUPED allows experimenters to make data-driven decisions faster and with more confidence, provides better estimates for the effect of variations, and reduces […]

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In this article, we’ll explore how our A/B Testing platform uses Winsorization to manage outliers. Whether you’re a seasoned data analyst or just getting started, we’ve got you covered. What is Winsorization? Winsorization is a statistical technique used to limit extreme values in data to reduce the impact of outliers, by using percentiles of your […]

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A new campaign results page is available! Discover its features Introduction AI Assist (KAI) is an AI-powered assistant designed to help users interact more efficiently with our A/B testing platform. It provides quick, relevant answers to your questions about our tool, whether you’re a developer, marketer, or another type of user. KAI leverages the most […]

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Introduction As AB testing practitioners, we benefit from the extensive study of controlled experiments by renowned statisticians over the years. This provides us with numerous effective methods for decision-making. Making decisions with a controlled level of risk is the heart of AB testing but we can sometimes be overwhelmed by names such as “Frequentist” or […]

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