5 min


In this article: – How to install and set up Kameleoon’s A/B testing and personalization platform on your website – Step-by-step instructions for the installation process, including creating an account, adding the Kameleoon tracking code to your website, configuring the website’s settings, and verifying that the tracking code is working properly Before launching experiments on […]

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2 min


In this article: – An overview of Kameleoon and its capabilities – Detailed explanations of key features Kameleoon offers several tools: an App with 4 menus (Activate, Explore, Configure and Administrate); a Graphic editor; a Code editor; a results page associated with each of your campaigns. Activate Experiments dashboard Open the experiment creation tools Find […]

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A new version of the Graphic Editor is currently being deployed, this documentation will be updated soon. In this article: – A practical exercise to help you set up your first experiment 1. Imagine your experiment and identify your goals We want to redesign the newsletter section on our blog’s home page. Our goal is […]

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1 min


In this article: – A definition of A/B testing, its benefits, and how to use it effectively. Definition A/B testing is an online experiment conducted on a website, mobile application or ads (among other things), to test potential improvements in comparison to a control (or original) version. Put simply, it allows you to see which […]

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1 min


In this article: – A definition of personalization, its benefits, and how to use it effectively. Web personalization offers visitors a tailored experience to optimize your conversion rate. In a physical store, a sales person will offer advice and personal attention to make the customer buy. Online, other factors such as the real-time understanding of visitor […]

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5 min


A new version of the Graphic Editor is currently being deployed, this documentation will be updated soon. In this article: – Step-by-step instructions for creating and launching your first A/B test or personalization campaign – Best practices for setting up your experiment, including defining goals, selecting target audiences, and creating variations – Tips for analyzing […]

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4 min


Are you using Kameleoon for the first time? This article will guide you step by step as you create your account and launch your first experiment. Congratulations on opening your Kameleoon account and filling in your website address. Let’s get started! Note: When registering, you need to fill in your website. However, you can add […]

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