This is a premium feature. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it on your Kameleoon Account. There are four easy methods for syncing your product catalog into Kameleoon: With an XML file containing all required metadata for each of your products. Use this method if you don’t have a data layer and your […]

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Kameleoon offers a dedicated interface to create product recommendation blocks thanks to an advanced graphical rules builder, and to analyze the performance of the product recommendation strategy (overall or by block). This is a premium feature. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it on your Kameleoon Account. To add and configure a recommendation […]

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Kameleoon algorithms determine which products to recommend (e.g. the most popular products, similar products to the one currently being viewed by the user, etc.). Here are the list of available algorithms: Algorithm Description Popular products This algorithm returns products sorted by sales rate. Similar products This algorithm returns products from the same category, considering as […]

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This is a premium feature. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it on your Kameleoon Account. Kameleoon rules provide the logic behind the products that are being displayed in your product recommendation blocks. It helps your team determines which products to display from your feed based on one or several algorithm that you […]

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This is a premium feature. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it on your Kameleoon Account. Once you have created and configured a recommender block, you can insert it in your source code or create a Kameleoon campaign. Add a snippet in your source code In the block dedicated page, click on Copy […]

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Kameleoon Search is a powerful search solution that personalizes results using machine learning to provide product recommendations.  Personalize your search results by delivering the best-matched products for each visitor. Kameleoon Search offers two main capabilities: Kameleoon Instant Search delivers best in class user experiences from lightning fast search speeds to intuitive category navigation. Boost any […]

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This is a premium feature. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to enable it on your Kameleoon Account. Recommendation dashboard In the product recommendation interface, click on Analytics > Dashboard. Here you’ll find the performance of each of your recommendation blocks over time, so you can compare them. The attribution window is 7 days. If […]

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