3 min


This guide will help you create a new feature flag. What is feature management and feature experimentation? Access the Feature flag creation page On the side menu of the App, click on Feature flags to access the dedicated dashboard. Then click on the New feature flag button. Name your feature flag and choose the project […]

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4 min


To learn how to create a new feature flag, please read our article on the subject. Access the Feature flags Dashboard To access the Feature flags Dashboard from the App, use the left side menu > Activate > Feature flags. Structure of the Feature flags Dashboard The dashboard is automatically organized by environment. By default, the […]

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Your feature flag dashboard can help in managing technical debt in your codebase and proactively cleanup obsolete or stale flags. Flag creation When creating a new flag, you can define whether it’s a temporary or permanent type of flag. This distinction is crucial for managing technical debt effectively to keep track of their health and […]

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