When you create your segment, if you need to use several conditions to define it, the connection between them can be “And” or “Or”.
‘AND’ corresponds to a simple addition: condition A and condition B must be reached to activate the personalization.
‘OR’ means that only one of the conditions must be reached: condition A or condition B must be reached to activate the personalization.
The “Narrow this condition” option, corresponds to the mathematical parentheses.
The “Add new condition” option puts the new condition on the same level.
The colored lines on the right help you better understand the logical links between your different conditions. Several cases :
- the segment contains two conditions A and B, linked by an “AND”: they share the same orange line ;

- the segment contains two conditions A and B, linked by an “OR”: they are distinguished by two different lines (orange and pink);

- the segment contains two conditions A and B linked by an “AND” + the condition B is narrowed by a condition C linked by an “AND”: they share the same orange line ;

- the segment contains two conditions A and B linked by an “AND” + condition B is narrowed by a condition C linked by an “OR”: they share the same orange line.

The color of the lines therefore represents the set of conditions (A and B) and does not take into account the fact that some conditions may be narrowed (C).
Condition A and condition B = both conditions must be reached
Condition A and condition B and condition C = all three conditions must be reached
Condition A or condition B = at least one of the conditions must be reached
Condition A or condition B or condition C = at least one of the conditions must be reached
Condition A and condition B or condition C = Condition A and one of the two other conditions must be reached
(Condition A and condition B) or condition C = the two condition A and B or only the condition C must be reached.