You can activate a personalization if the sum of the weights of the targeting conditions exceeds a certain threshold. The personalization will only start if the main conditions, or most of the conditions are met.
First, you need to define the weight of your conditions when you create your segment. Then, you need to define the weight needed to activate the personalization.
Define the weight of your conditions
You can define the weight of your conditions when you create your segment. If you want to define the weight of an existing segment, you must edit it.
Defining a weight allows you to rank the conditions of your segment. If a condition is more important than another, its weight should be higher.
When you select a condition, the weight appears on the right of the block:

By default, the weight of each condition is 1 (the minimum weight). Click on it to edit this number.

Define the cumulative weight needed
When you create your personalization, go to the “Micro-targeting” in the “Display settings” part to define the cumulative weight of the targeting conditions. You can use this option even if you have not set up the weight of your conditions: by default, the weight of all conditions is 1.
By default, the option checked is “All of your segment’s targeting conditions are met”.

To define a cumulative weight, click on “The cumulative weight of active targeting conditions reached a limit”.
A new field opens, allowing you to choose the minimum weight to reach.
As an example, let’s take a segment set up with:
- Condition 1 – weight 1
- Condition B – weight 4
- Condition C – weight 2
- Condition D – weight 2
If you define ‘7’ as cumulative weight to reach, the sum of the weight of the conditions should be at least 7 for the visitor to display the personalization.
In our example, the conditions A+B+C (7), B+C+D (8) or A+B+D (7) would be enough to activate the personalization.