Manage your account settings

Written by Julie Trenque

Updated on 06/05/2023

3 min


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On your Kameleoon App, click on your name at the top right of your screen. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on Customer account settings.

A pop-in will open.

These settings will apply to all users.

 Don’t you have access to an option? This is due to your user rights.


Here you can choose the time zone where you are located.

Don’t forget to validate to apply your choice!

Account access

Here you can activate options concerning the account access. All these options enable you to improve your account’s security level.

Set a maximum number of password attempts

This option enables you to improve an account’s security level. By activating this setting, you can set the maximum number of authorized attempts when entering a password to sign into your Kameleoon account.

Check the option to activate the option and set a number of wrong attempts.

Do not forget to save your choice!

Set an automatic sign out after 15 minutes of idle time

This option enables you to improve an account’s security level. If you activate this option, you will automatically be signed out of your Kameleoon account after 15 minutes of idle time (back-office and editor).

Restrict access to certain IP addresses

Activate this option if you want to make your customer account more secure. Users will only be authorized to log into Kameleoon from the IP addresses indicated here. This option applies to all log-in interfaces (back-office, editor or API).

Enter the IP addresses between quotation marks, separating them by commas. Use or * to denote consecutive range. Mark out the entire expression using square brackets.


Here you can activate options concerning the password. All these options enable you to improve your account’s security level.

Require a stronger password

If you activate this option, new users will have to create a stronger password. This password must contain a minimum of:

  • 10 characters
  • 1 lower-case letter
  • 1 upper-case letter
  • 1 special character

Check the option to activate the stronger password requirement.

Do not forget to save your choice!

Activate forced password regeneration

This option enables you to improve an account’s security level. If you activate it, you will be asked to regenerate your password. This regeneration applies to all users associated with the account: they will receive a message asking them to change their password. You can schedule this change periodically or occasionally.

Click on the Password tab.

Check the option to activate the automatic regeneration, and choose its frequency. You can schedule a compulsory password change or choose a specific date.

Do not forget to save your choice!

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